Published information - Who are we and what do we do?

This section tells you the information we include in our Scheme. Much of our published information is available through our website and where this is so, the web address/link is given below. Where information is not available electronically, separate lists, giving details of what is available and where to get it, are provided.

This section contains our current structures, locations and contacts.

Council constitution

The Council's constitution is a number of documents that, under the Local Government Act 2000, have to be brought together and made available for public inspection. It sets out the basic principles for how we operate. It includes details of the Council and the committees to which the Council has delegated various powers and the roles that are the responsibility of the executive; the terms of reference of the various committees and other bodies; the standing orders that regulate the proceedings at meetings; financial regulations; the code of practice for the procurement of works, supplies and services; codes of conduct for members and employees; the schedule for the payment of members' allowances; and a description of the management structure of the Council's workforce.

Council democratic structure

This has any further information not included in the constitution and tells you about the decision making bodies of the Council and their role.

Location and opening times of Council properties

Details of Council properties, whether open to the public or not.

Currently elected councillor information and contact details

This gives names of elected members, their positions on the Council and how they can be contacted.

Contact details for all the Council's customer-facing departments

Comments, compliments and complaints.

Most recent election results

This gives the results of the most recent elections to the Council.

Relationships with other authorities

The Council works closely with other bodies to provide services. To help members of the public appreciate the role of the Council, the respective roles of different organisations are explained below.

Also, any partnership arrangements the Council has with other authorities are detailed below:

HM Coroner's Office

Further information about the work of the coroner.

Register Office

Coventry Register Office and its role.

Partnerships the Council is involved in:

Coventry Children and Young People's Strategic Partnership

Coventry Children and Young People's Strategic Partnership. This is a group of organisations working together to improve the lives of children and young people in the city.

The Coventry Police and Crime Board

The Coventry Police and Crime Board brings together all the main agencies working to make Coventry a safer, more confident city.

Coventry Learning Disabilities Partnership Board

The Youth Justice Service

This is a multi-disciplinary team that involves the Council working in partnership with other teams and outside agencies such as the police. Its aim is to reduce offending by young people.

Information Governance

Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097

Telephone: 024 7697 5408