Primary in-year applications - current school year

How to apply

All primary schools in Coventry, except St Mary’s & St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School, are part of the Coventry co-ordinated admissions scheme. This however, does not include Independent fee-paying schools (please contact these schools direct) and Special Educational Needs Schools which are for children who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (details of how to apply)

Applying for a Coventry school (except St Mary & St Benedict Primary see below)

Please complete the primary in-year application form.

If you are currently living overseas, and are intending to move to Coventry, please note that foreign nationals who do not normally reside in the UK but who wish to apply for a state-funded school place, must check that their children have an immigration status which permits them to enter the UK to access a state-funded school before applying. Further information about school applications for foreign national children and children resident outside England from GOV.UK.

Applicants for Leigh C of E Primary School and Seva School may also need to complete a supplementary information form to enable school governors to fully consider their application against faith-based oversubscription criteria.

The supplementary forms can also be obtained directly from the schools. 

Please return completed supplementary forms directly to the school.

Applying for St Mary & St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School

If you wish to apply for in-year admission at St Mary & St Benedict’s Primary School, you should contact the school directly (details below) for admission or apply for this and other schools on the online application form and we will pass your request to the listed schools.

St Mary and St Benedict R.C. Primary School

Julie Anderton, Clerical Officer
T: 024 7622 9486
A: Leigh Street, Hillfields, Coventry, CV1 5HG

Whatever year group your child is in, it’s important that if you are considering moving schools, you need to make sure that the school you choose is the right one for your child. The best way to find this out is to visit the school you are interested in - speak to the headteacher (with an appointment) if you can.

Further information on the application process and timeline of when a decision will be made.

Admissions team - Primary

Monday to Thursday: 8.30am – 5pm, Friday: 8.30am - 4.30pm Telephone line available 10am - 3.30pm.

Telephone: 024 7697 5445