Council programmes that will interact with the Partnership

One Coventry Plan

The Council has committed to protecting the environment and made climate change one of its key priorities.

The One Coventry Plan lists three distinct but interconnected priorities and two enablers:

  • Priority 1: increasing the economic prosperity of the city and region
  • Priority 2: improving outcomes and tackling inequalities within our communities
  • Priority 3: tackling the causes and consequences of climate change
  • Enabler 1: continued financial sustainability of the Council
  • Enabler 2: Council’s role as a partner, enabler and leader

Climate change and net zero programmes

The Council’s Draft Climate Change Strategy and accompanying Net Zero Route Map (published in early 2023) set out an ambitious vision for the city’s journey to net zero to create a more sustainable and prosperous future for Coventry.  The research that went into developing the Net Zero Route Map confirmed that the scale of the challenge Coventry is facing is significant, and despite a 48% drop in carbon emissions between 2000-2022, additional major investment will still be needed to reduce further Coventry’s emissions and reach net zero.

The Route Map outlined that major long-term planning and investment would be required to decarbonise the city through a wide range of environmental and social projects.  The SEP, whilst naturally aligned with Priority 3, aims to deliver on all of the One Coventry Plan priorities.