Overview of what we have achieved - September 2023 to March 2024

Since the SEP was launched in September 2023, our teams have been focused on setting up the governance and organisational structures to enable an aligned, collaborative approach to the selection of projects and activities for the years ahead. The SEP has also started working on projects, looking to deliver tangible outcomes as soon as possible.

Through the Strategic Energy Partnership, we have entered into project contracts for the Home Upgrade Grant 2 (HUG2) project, electricity supply contract and the installation of 10 new EV chargers as part of an EV programme.

In progress

  • 30 MW Solar PV Farm - Work on-going to secure planning permission
  • Council building decarbonisation - Grant secured and Council funding agreed – work to start soon
  • Apprenticeship programme - E.ON will recruit five apprentices from Coventry
  • Supply chain approach Focus - on getting SEP projects completed by local businesses
  • City-wide EV charging strategy - Starting the rollout of consistent EV charging infrastructure across the city
  • Solar in schools - Initial reviews to define an approach to support solar in schools
  • Fleet and depot decarbonisation - Initial site visit has taken place to outline the scope and opportunities


  • Home Upgrade Grant 2 - Energy efficiency measures in low-income and fuel-poor households
  • Energy Company Obligation - E.ON as a supplier to make homes energy efficient and tackle fuel poverty
  • Schools programme - Education programme offering workshops in 16 classes across 6 schools


  • Increased Council & E.ON alignment - Initiate the co-ordination of work between the Council and E.ON teams
  • Energy supply contract - Agreement of an energy supply contract from Q4 2024 for the Council