The four themes driving the partnership

Photograph of a person on a bike with the label Coventry Sustainability heroes

1. Clean local energy  

This theme is about making sure that Coventry residents have access to clean, locally generated energy. Projects working under this theme will focus on increasing local renewable energy generation and heat decarbonisation.

2. Jobs and skills

This theme is about making sure that our work provides employment and learning opportunities for Coventry residents from all backgrounds. This will be achieved through partnerships with educational institutions as well as providing hands-on experience for the next generation. Central to this theme is a commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion.

3. Innovation and scale

This theme is about using innovative solutions to tackle issues. Coventry has a history of innovation and a reputation as being at the forefront of the green industrial revolution. Projects working under this theme will aim to build on that reputation.

4. Community benefits

This theme is about ensuring that all communities and residents benefit from our work. As part of the partnership we will engage with vulnerable and hard-to-reach communities to provide them with energy support and advice.