Executive summary

Cllr George Duggins and Chief Executive Officer Julie Nugent photographs in circles with their names and title underneath.

We are proud to say, Coventry is a forward-thinking council that manages its budgets well. This is something that was recognised by the Local Government Association Peer Challenge Team when they reviewed our services in January 2024.

We have always innovated and approached challenges with pragmatism. And these are values that are certainly being applied to ensure we continue to deliver the very best for our residents.

It is no secret that councils across the country are having to do more for less. A growing, aging population and the subsequent onus on Local Authorities to provide social care services for them, coupled with the ever-increasing cost of living, means the money available for delivering wider council services is getting smaller year-on-year.

For Coventry, we spend over 80% of our net budget every year on social care and housing.

Similar pressures are contributing towards other councils' significant financial difficulties and their need to seek further Government support.

The 2024/25 Transformation Plan, sets out a clear vision for how we want to operate and approach service design and delivery. It provides a framework to guide the continuous improvement of our services, to ensure our Council is as resilient as it can be in an ever-changing financial landscape.

Our approach to transformation is unlike many other councils’ - where many are making cuts, we are focusing on building our city up, thinking about the challenges our residents face and taking an honest look at how we approach each of our services, so they are delivered in the most efficient and effective way.

The projects detailed within this document are just the start of our transformation journey. Providing a foundation for us to grow and develop our wider transformation approach, so we can build on our innovative and forward-thinking culture during 2024/25 to harness the creativity and knowledge of all our people, and continue to evolve, while providing the best outcomes for all.

Download and print a copy of the Transformation Plan