Executive summary

We are proud to say, Coventry is a forward-thinking council that manages its budgets well. This is something that was recognised by the Local Government Association Peer Challenge Team when they reviewed our services in January 2024.

We have always innovated and approached challenges with pragmatism. And these are values that are certainly being applied to ensure we continue to deliver the very best for our residents.

It is no secret that councils across the country are having to do more for less. A growing, aging population and the subsequent onus on Local Authorities to provide social care services for them, coupled with the ever-increasing cost of living, means the money available for delivering wider council services is getting smaller year-on-year.

For Coventry, we spend over 80% of our net budget every year on social care and housing.

Similar pressures are contributing towards other councils' significant financial difficulties and their need to seek further Government support.

The 2024/25 Transformation Plan, sets out a clear vision for how we want to operate and approach service design and delivery. It provides a framework to guide the continuous improvement of our services, to ensure our Council is as resilient as it can be in an ever-changing financial landscape.

Our approach to transformation is unlike many other councils’ - where many are making cuts, we are focusing on building our city up, thinking about the challenges our residents face and taking an honest look at how we approach each of our services, so they are delivered in the most efficient and effective way.

The projects detailed within this document are just the start of our transformation journey. Providing a foundation for us to grow and develop our wider transformation approach, so we can build on our innovative and forward-thinking culture during 2024/25 to harness the creativity and knowledge of all our people, and continue to evolve, while providing the best outcomes for all.

Download and print a copy of the Transformation Plan [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/7948/2024-25-transformation-plan]

Coventry City Council's 2024/25 Transformation Plan will guide the radical transformation of how services are effectively targeted and delivered to residents and communities during the 2024/25 financial year.

Our vision

The vision for the 2024/25 Transformation Plan is to:

“Become a leading local authority of the future: doing the right thing by its residents and communities and making Coventry a place where people want to live, work, study and visit."

This will be achieved by:

  • Building on our current strengths, while being imaginative in how we look to do things differently
  • Placing the needs of residents and communities at the centre of all we do

Transformation plan logoSupported by some guiding principles:

  • Be data-led: Make better use of our data, so we know we are meeting needs.
  • Engage and listen more: Understand the needs of our residents and work with communities to find the right solution for them, even if it means replacing an existing Council service with something new.
  • Take a One Coventry approach: Where all Council teams and partners will work seamlessly to deliver differently for residents.
  • Keep a close eye on spending, income and how we work: Constantly reviewing and reducing spending and increasing income, while reviewing and improving the way we work, so we are more efficient and services more effective.

Our ambitions

One Coventry is our culture – how we behave, and work together, with our people and partners to ensure the best outcomes for our communities.

Through the development of the One Coventry approach and the realisation of its delivery plan, we know that the Council and its partners hold shared ambitions for our city to:

  • Make it easy for our residents and communities to access services and support
  • Generate new economic growth, that benefits all
  • Tackle the causes and consequences of climate change

These principles underpin all that we are achieving for our residents and communities and will support the delivery of the 24/25 Transformation Plan.

Transforming how we work

We know that unprecedented demand for services means we must transform the way we work.

The 2024/25 Transformation Plan is ambitious in both scale and scope, requiring cross organisational commitment and support.

The Council’s 5,000 strong workforce delivers more than 600 services across a wide variety of areas.

Coventry City Council’s people are committed and passionate. We recognise that we need to harness this more and support our people to work differently to break silos and work in a more joined-up way, so we are One Council, One Coventry.

We need to be smarter in the way that we work – reducing unnecessary process and duplication, making better use of technology, and actively engaging with residents, partners and frontline delivery teams to continually develop and improve. This means embedding our One Coventry approach more deeply – where we will transform current practice to enable a truly One Coventry Delivery model.

We want to engage and excite our people in this improvement journey – offering new development opportunities, new ways of working, and nontraditional delivery models, where our employees are at the heart of the change that we need.

Feedback from our recent people survey told us that our people want to be listened to more, and they want to be more involved in the work that we do, not just the area that they work in. We will support and encourage that.

Our Chief Executive and Leadership Team are committed to empowering our people further, encouraging all employees to speak up and speak out, within a culture that nurtures innovation, efficiency, collaboration and, most importantly, a pride in our work and the determination to do right by our residents.

The 2024/25 Transformation Plan sets out how we expect to achieve this change.

Our approach

The scale and pace of transformation and culture shift needed in the coming months will require big, bold and ambitious thinking rather than simply tweaking existing approaches.

The 2024/25 Transformation Plan will, therefore, deliver meaningful change by:

  • Being consistent in the application and embedding of the Plan’s Guiding Principles.
  • Actively engaging with our people and communities.
  • Being open and transparent about any impacts (good or bad).
  • Creating opportunities for involvement and collaboration.

This Plan will naturally evolve and change as it progresses. The potential impacts of delivery of our transformation priorities, for our residents, our people, partners and the Council more widely, will be fully and robustly scoped as The 24/25 Transformation Plan is developed further.

To develop The 2024/25 Transformation Plan, we have worked closely with Members, our people and partners to review all of our activities with the clear intention to:

  1. Review and reduce expenditure – including looking at how we can deliver differently.
  2. Maximise all sources of income.
  3. Remove duplication of activity, including consolidating some corporate functions (e.g. performance) to ensure a more efficient and effective approach.
  4. Take a service led view of new technology, including AI, to improve impact and efficiency.
  5. Review all assets and estate.
  6. Nurture the One Coventry culture

Our commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is a Council priority and will be a key focus throughout all transformation engagement, design and delivery. All change projects will have a robust Equalities Impact Assessment (EIA) completed during scoping and reviewed before implementation to ensure a clear understanding of any diversity and inclusion impacts and consider appropriate management and mitigation (where possible) of these.

We know that we need to reduce spend whilst, simultaneously, continuing to deliver high quality services to meet local needs. This means making some difficult choices, where we need to focus on making the services we continue to provide as effective and impactful as possible and exploring new and innovative ways to support the most vulnerable in our communities

The 2024/25 change programmes

Seven change programmes will be delivered to achieve our ambitions and support us in achieving some of our Medium-Term Financial Strategy [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/budgets-spending/financial-strategy-efficiency-plan], which includes a wider range of actions to address budget challenges. Delivery of these will be monitored through operational budget management mechanisms.

Total estimated 2024/25 Transformation Plan savings 1 [#1]:

  • 2024/25 £12.22m
  • 2025/26 £16.07m
  • 2026/27 £16.89m

Only programmes that deliver sustainable change have been included within this Plan. These are at various stages of implementation, with a number comprising several elements of activity, as set out below. Further work is in progress to fully scope key milestones and deliverables.

1. The Council’s Pre-budget Report (December 2023) sets out a range of additional technical and operational savings plans and actions to the value of £32.7m for 2024/25. The above transformation programme savings form part of this total

Our seven transformation work programmes:

  1. Coventry Connects [#p1]: Seeking to understand resident needs better to improve the design and signposting of future services.
  2. Developing and providing a Coventry Advice Service [#p2]: Creating a more joined-up offer between us and our partners, which can help more people get the advice and guidance they need in the most streamlined way possible.
  3. Delivering One Coventry Community Hubs (One Coventry Services) [#p3]: Establishing a range of Community Hubs, which will provide a joined-up service offer for our residents, providing the right support, in the right place, at the right time.
  4. Increasing early interventions to reduce demand in services [#p4]
  5. Thinking smarter about service delivery [#p5]: Taking a fresh look at how we plan, commission and deliver services.
  6. One Coventry partnership delivery [#p6]: Working with our partners to find solutions and use resources in the most creative way possible.
  7. Helping our people to grow [#p7]: Creating an environment that supports our talent to grow, thrive and work in the most innovative and effective way possible

Programme 1. Coventry Connects

Coventry Connects seeks to improve our understanding of residents’ needs so that we can better design and signpost services to meet that need.

Outcomes will include:

  • Improving how people access our services.
  • Streamlining internal and external processes, to increase ease and efficiency.
  • Creating a data-bank across the Council to help us understand community needs and inform future policy and service design.
  • Implementing automation and artificial intelligence technologies and techniques to reduce administrative tasks.
  • Where possible publishing data to reduce FOI requests and increase transparency.
  • Working with partners to reduce the digital divide and increase social inclusion.

Estimated savings:

  • 2024/25 £1.0m
  • 2025/26 £1.5m
  • 2026/27 £1.5m

Year 1 activity

Area Detail
Improving customer experience Mapping and reviewing customer journey for all services.
Improving customer experience Improving how residents report problems by reviewing place-based reporting which will include improving our mapping interface and a redesign of how customers engage with streetscene activity. We will be introducing a new approach to redesigning this service incorporating a resident experience perspective and will use this to inform future projects/timings.
Improving customer experience

Modernising customer contact (telephony) platform:

  • Phase 1 replacement of existing technology and chatbot.
  • Phase 2 exploration of opportunities provided through AI and determining approach to their use.
Improving customer experience

Review and optimise the digital offer to support increased self-serves:

Revenues and Benefits processing automation for officers.

Improving customer satisfaction

Redesign of our corporate complaints process

  • Phase 1: team centralisation, introduce informal resolution, new policy, revisit single point of contact approach.
  • Phase 2: rebuild systems for feedback management, potentially violent person registering etc. (dependency on Health and Safety system build).
Improving service efficiency

Reviewing the use of AI to reduce administrative tasks.

Undertaking pilots to inform business case/s and potential roll out:

  • Pilot 1: Undertaking a pilot of specialist AI technologies and techniques in areas of case work to increase the efficient use of data, removing duplication and bureaucracy.
  • Pilot 2: Large scale testing of more generic AI technologies and techniques, such as Microsoft Copilot across 300 users to identify efficiencies and longer-term business case.
Improving service efficiency Building a Customer Data model within our Data Warehouse to enable alignment of resident-based data into a single version of “the truth”.

Contribution to the overall objectives of this Plan:

  • Consistent and high-quality service to customers, with different levels of support (self-service, online, automated, face to face etc.) depending on need.
  • Greater understanding of resident need to improve signposting and early intervention.
  • Increased digital confidence across the city

Advice and support iconProgramme 2. Developing and providing a Coventry Advice Service

The Council and other organisations in the city, provide information and advice to residents on many different topics, for example, welfare benefits, money management, debt, housing and homelessness prevention, family and wellbeing support and specialist legal advice.

Supported by Coventry Connects, this project will create a more joined-up offer between us and our partners, which can help more people get the advice and guidance they need in the most streamlined way possible.

Estimated savings:

  • 2024/25 £0.4m
  • 2025/26 £0.4m
  • 2026/27 £0.4m

Key milestones (Year 1)

Area Detail
Stage 1: Ensuring we have the right service offering Understand need and delivery of contract arrangements.
Stage 1: Ensuring we have the right service offering Efficient commissioning of specialist external advice services. New agreements will incorporate a requirement for more joined-up partnership working, and easier referral process.
Stage 1: Ensuring we have the right service offering Build on One Coventry delivery principles, to better align internal and external provision.
Stage 2: Improving customer experience Initial design of customer journey that builds out from Coventry Advice Service to a clear advice offer for residents.
Stage 2: Improving customer experience Creation of an integrated advice service, for face-to-face delivery, income maximisation and financial support.
Stage 2: Improving customer experience Digital Process Design
  • Development of referral pathways both internally and to commissioned partners.
  • Development of single process to access discretionary awards.
  • Development of knowledge base incorporated in phase 2 of telephony platform redesign in Coventry Connects.
  • Development of self-service offer and supported digital application forms
Stage 2: Improving customer experience Explore opportunities for further alignment and improvement of services.

Contribution to the overall objectives of this Plan:

  • Clarity of support available to residents, with resource aligned to need and complexity.
  • Clear customer journey – for general and specialist support.
  •  Using our data to provide targeted and proactive support to residents in the most financial difficulty to prevent residents reaching crisis.

Community hubs iconProgramme 3. Delivering One Coventry Community Hubs (One Coventry Services)

Over the years, councils across the country have used different buildings and spaces to provide individual services, libraries, children’s centres, community centres, and other locations.

Many different and complementary services have also been delivered in an area, but in a noncoordinated way.

However, joining up the services our residents use either in a single, more easily accessible location or in a more coordinated way ensures and increases their relevance within a community, while being much better for those who need our help, and more cost effective for us.

It makes more sense for our residents, and is financially more sustainable for us, for these services to be more joined-up and we will be exploring how to achieve this in the coming months.

More than just co-locating services in fewer buildings, One Coventry Services will provide a joined-up service offer for our residents, providing the right support, in the right place, at the right time.

Estimated savings

  • 2024/25 £0.9m
  • 2025/26 £1.4m
  • 2026/27 £1.4m

Key milestones (Year 1)

Area Detail
Project development Identify and develop options for co-location and integration of services. Working with partners in local areas, we will take account of citywide capacity and assets, with a focus improving resident outcomes, through prevention and earlier identification of need.
Project development Creation of a blueprint for future provision of integrated services to be applied
across city localities, in a way that responds to local need (using data, insight
and informed by resident voice).
Project implementation Initial implementation of co-location and integrated people and service
provision, with residents able to access support when and where they need it.

Contribution to the overall objectives of this Plan:

  • Essential services protected and resources targeted to meet community needs.
  • Collaborative support across services and partners resulting in improved outcomes for residents.
  • Potential for extended operating hours for some services where co-located (in buildings with longer opening hours).

Early intervention iconProgramme 4. Increasing early intervention to reduce demand on services

Prevention is better than cure and we know that preventing the need to access long-term help is preferable for residents - enabling people to be independent for as long as possible and reducing demand for services that support people with high needs.

We spend over 80% of our net budget every year on social care and housing, where we have a legal duty to support residents. This demand is increasing and is a nationally recognised challenge for all councils.

We are keen to look at how we can support our residents more and reduce overall demand for services – for example, if we can help an older person live independently, in their own home, for longer, it’s better for them and more cost effective for us – and our work in developing the One Community Hubs will support this.

There are also projects across our areas of greatest spend and demand that will also deliver specific improvements:

For adults, we will take action to support hospital avoidance, reduce hospital stays, and enable more cost-effective support solutions, with improved outcomes and increased independence for residents.

For children, our approach to placements will be reviewed, with a focus on continuing to safely reduce the number of Looked After Children through our family valued approach, reduce long term residential placements (particularly those out of the city) and growing internal fostering opportunities. We will also continue to work with partners and other professionals to identify, assess and address the needs of children and families at an early stage to prevent issues from escalating and empower families to thrive.

Estimated savings:

  • 2024/25 £4.84m
  • 2025/26 £6.16m
  • 2026/27 £6.47m
Key milestones (Year 1)
Area Detail
Children and young people

Children’s placement review

Continue to safely reduce the number of children in care through the Coventry Family Valued programme. This is promoting more children to live safely with their families.

Children and young people

Floating emergency fostering provision

Increasing local provision for children, reducing reliance on more costly spot purchase placements and use of residential care.


Improving Lives Programme

Improvement programme in collaboration with local health partners to support hospital avoidance, reduced length of hospital stays and enable more cost-effective support solutions with improved outcomes and increased independence for service users.


Cost Effective Personal Budgets

Focussed application of Personal Budget to meet eligible needs through support available, giving people the choice to purchase more care

Contribution to the overall objectives of this Plan:

  • Ability to support people more effectively, reducing dependency and demand on higher cost services.
  • Improved outcomes for people who may otherwise become reliant on statutory services.
  • Ability to provide the best outcomes for children in our care.

Thinking smarter iconProgramme 5. Thinking smarter about service delivery

The needs of services and the users they support change over time, which is why it is important we continue to think differently about how we provide and procure all our services to improve quality and drive costs down. Supporting our most vulnerable residents - for adults, children and young people, and those in need of housing support - is a core priority.

The cost of living is impacting many of our services and we are experiencing significant increases to prices in some areas, such as the cost of children’s and adults' placements.

We need to think smarter about how we commission services. Taking a joined-up, One Coventry approach gives us the chance to align multiple contracts or challenge current contracts, so we recommission based on what we need rather than what we have done previously.

We are also looking at how we develop our property portfolio to improve and increase temporary accommodation for those who need it most, particularly for adults and children in care.

Estimated savings:

  • 2024/25 £1.82m
  • 2025/26 £2.99m
  • 2026/27 £3.19m

Contribution to the overall objectives of this Plan:

  • More efficient and effective service delivery.
  • Opportunities to test and learn from new approaches and if successful, to further embed in other parts of the Council or with partners.
  • Opportunity to influence and develop local, regional and national policy thinking.

Key milestones (Year 1)


Increase Council-owned temporary accommodation

Increase number of temporary accommodation properties to reduce costs and provide more suitable properties.

Travel Assistance for young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Full review of SEN Transport provision exploring a range of alternative options, including efficiency review of current in-house transport.

Children’s social care temporary accommodation costs

Work collaboratively with the housing service to ensure efficient assessment and most cost-effective temporary accommodation provision.

Increase number of Council-owned Children's Homes

Expansion of existing plans to increase Council-owned Children’s Homes by a further two smaller homes, hub and spoke model, to address needs of young people requiring solo/small homes and with the most complex needs and highest placement costs.

Commercialise unused foster placement capacity

Offering bespoke foster placements, at market rate cost, to other Local Authorities where there is not sufficient need in city but is elsewhere in the region.

Identify and deliver contract efficiencies

A review of commissioned contracts, identifying opportunities to realise efficiencies through a coordinated approach.

One Coventry iconProgramme 6. One Coventry partnership delivery

The Council has a history of strong partnership working. Our partnership arrangements have been tested and further strengthened as Coventry has responded to recent crises including the pandemic, increasing cost of living and the financial challenges faced by the public sector.

These foundations create opportunities to do more together under the One Coventry banner through sharing resources and being innovative in our approach to support residents differently - enabling city-wide resources to be used to best effect.

Estimated savings:

  • 2024/25 £2.68m
  • 2025/26 £2.68m
  • 2026/27 £2.53m

Contribution to the overall objectives of this Plan:

Co-ordinated, citywide and One Coventry approach to ensuring that Coventry continues to be the best it can be, recognised for its collaboration and commitment to focus on residents and not organisational boundaries.

Key milestones (Year 1)


Maximising partner support (One Coventry partners, West Midlands Combined Authority)

Maximise contributions from partners towards statutory delivery and through existing partnerships. Includes Children’s placement healthcare funding and Coventry Safeguarding Children Partnership.

Seek sponsorship for festival lights

Sponsorship from local business and partners, if not secured, reduce to more modest offer.

Exploring shared delivery options with partners i.e. Warwickshire County Council

SEN and disability advice, support service including co-production

Reviewing service model.

Helping people to grow iconProgramme 7. Helping our people to grow

Our people are our greatest asset, and we are committed to creating opportunities for growth and development within our2024/25 Transformation Plan. This will continue to improve colleague satisfaction, but also support us in recruiting and retaining our people.

We also need to maximise our capacity and minimise duplication by working smarter, managing our vacant posts and common roles better and making best use of technology.

This will, inevitably, lead to a leaner and more agile workforce (in roles and working location) but also one that is more reflective of our diverse communities and meaningfully embraces inclusivity. We will be more creative in our use of office space and buildings to maximise occupancy and encourage collaborative working.

Estimated savings

  • 2024/25 £0.60m
  • 2025/26 £0.94m
  • 2026/27 £1.4m
Key milestones (Year 1):

Implement One Cov Squad

An opportunity for the Council’s people to play a role in delivery of the 2024/25 Transformation Plan.

One Cov Roadshows

Enabling open and frequent interaction between the Council’s leadership and the wider workforce.

Common Roles Review

Considering across the entirety of the Council establishment, common activity, role and functions that could represent duplication, or be considered for alternative models to deliver the required activity more efficiently.

Worker Profile kit and accommodation review

Deliver tailored ICT equipment and licences as well as estate/office space based on worker needs, rather than one size fits all.

Maximise income from corporate estate

Internal communications and engagement

  • Channel / audience review.
  • Review of One Coventry branding.
  • Intranet upgrade.
  • Dedicated internal campaigns to support changes and culture shift

Leadership development / culture

  • Leadership development and organisational culture – to develop high performance culture of empowerment and accountability, how to give feedback, encouraging and role modelling growth mindset and stretch performance approach, embed the high performance model into our existing coaching development.
  • Values and behaviours refreshed and embedded into all of the people (recruitment, development, promotion etc) with a particular focus on recognition, innovation and improvement where needed. To ensure that all processes reflect our ambition to be inclusive and have a diverse leadership cadre and cross council team with a One Coventry team approach. Ensure consistency with employer brand so we recruit for the desired behaviours.
  • Performance calibration to have a consistent view of what good looks like and link to career progression, succession and critical role management and development planning. Use a performance and processes potential and calibration process across all directorates. Develop for end of year and pilot with Leadership Board by the end of calendar year.
  • Regular people planning review to reduce duplication, improve collaboration and make best use of resources.
  • Encourage leadership collaboration through forums and opportunities for mentoring.
  • Encourage a One Council approach to leadership, focused on placing the resident at the heart of all we do and collaborating effectively with internal colleagues and partners.
  • Support leaders to be able to manage the different ways of working across their teams and to maximise the use of technology and digital capability focusing on outcome based management and objectives that are aligned to the 2024/25 Transformation Plan and with the residents at the heart of all we do.

Contribution to the overall objectives of this Plan:

  • Motivated, focused and engaged people who recognise their role and contribution to the delivery of priorities.
  • People who feel valued and heard, able to raise issues and confident that they will be responded to.

Bringing our ambitions to life

Our plans to transform both the Council and the services that we provide is ambitious and not without challenge. To enable delivery, we will:

  • Develop and meaningfully embed a One Coventry Culture across our workforce, encouraging and providing opportunities to offer ideas, work outside of service areas and feel valued by the organisation for the contribution they make.
  • Collaborate with our residents, communities, our people, and partners on new solutions, shifting roles, responsibilities and resources, taking positive risks and empowering people to test new ways of working.
  • Build upon our initiatives such as Every Penny Counts, engaging our people and creating ways for our people to play a role in creative thinking about how we ensure services meet resident needs, whilst maximising efficiency and reducing overall expenditure.
  • Embed a culture of continuous improvement, where we are data-rich, technology-enabled and relentless in our focus on delivering better, smarter services.
  • Divert and co-ordinate existing capacity including operational and enabling services to focus on the areas of highest priority and impact. The Council’s transformation and finance services in particular will dedicate resources to co-ordination and delivery of the programmes. Other enabling services including Communications, ICT, Insight, HR, Legal Services and Risk Management will provide expertise as needed to support delivery.
  • Explore alternative resourcing options. This will include Social Value, grant and other external funding. We will act as a connector between community organisations and funders where possible and identify priorities for investment.
  • Develop our performance management approach to ensure consistent measures, standards and outcomes, embedded in clear performance objectives that are agreed with teams.

Holding ourselves to account

The 2024/25 Transformation Plan mainly focuses on the financial year 2024/25 and there is a huge amount to do in this time.

The Council has created clear governance arrangements to enable strategic oversight and accountability for delivery and management of any risks, including through the new One Coventry Performance Framework.