Job Shop support with recruitment

The Job Shop offers free support for businesses with recruitment. 

Supports all-size businesses (large and SME) with around 200 each year using the Job Shop for their recruitment.

  • Can support your business to reach a wider range of candidates, and recruit employees with the skills and experience that your organisation requires, saving spend on employment agencies.
  • Have over 30,000 registered customers who have a wide range of skills and backgrounds and have also supported more than 15,000 Coventry residents to find good quality employment over the last 10 years.
  • Can support with all types of recruitment processes. Candidates can be pre-screened and supported to apply online, through CVs or booked directly for face-to-face one-to-one or group interviews.
  • Have space for employers to use a wide range of selection activities i.e., pre-employment assessments, face-to-face interviews, and group workshops. Bespoke pre-employment training can also be arranged to prepare candidates to work for your business.