Priority 1: Empower carers with flexible respite options, ensuring they can take breaks
Carer Outcome: I have access to a flexible break options to enable me to have a break from caring when needed.
1.1 We will: Commission a range of respite and break provision, develop a ‘community alternative’ support model to empower carers with flexible respite options, co-designed with carers, ensuring they can take breaks, increase social contact and reduce the risk of isolation.
Year 1
Priority Year One: |
Year One Actions (January -December 2024) |
High |
Work with third sector organisations and community groups to explore the potential for 'community alternative' support models or community delivered carers breaks. |
Investigate alternative offers or routes to accessing breaks, e.g. charities, grants and alternative holidays. |
Increase awareness of informal networks and social contact opportunities for carers. |
Year 2
Priority Year Two: |
Year Two Actions (January -December 2025) |
High |
Review and map current respite provision, usage, gaps, barriers, and demand. |
High |
Scope and confirm commissioning arrangements for respite and carer breaks (market research and best practice, scope and confirm requirements). Decisions and designs to be co-produced with carers. |
High |
Commence commissioning activity to commission a range of break and respite services, co-produced with carers. To include:
- Planned, contingency and emergency breaks
- Short, medium and long term options
High |
Review success of community alternative / community delivered carers' breaks and scale up where successful.
1.2 We will: Improve information on respite and promote carers' breaks to support carer wellbeing and prevent carer breakdown.
Year 1
Priority Year One: |
Year One Actions (January -December 2024) |
Medium |
Refresh Coventry City Council website on respite and break information, including information on costs, entitlement, options, purpose and how to access. |
Medium |
Develop respite / carer break FAQ document, including information on the use of direct payments to access respite and replacement care. |
Medium |
Promotion of respite / break information with under-served communities (e.g. pop ups / information circulated in temples, community centres etc.) working with community leaders to improve awareness. |
Medium |
Review process for administering carers' direct payments and literature to support positive conversations around direct payments by practitioners. |
Year 2
Priority Year Two: |
Year Two Actions (January -December 2025) |
Medium |
Information on respite and break options available on the Coventry City Council website and Coventry Information Directory. |
Medium |
Promotion of respite and break services at Adult Social Care open days and in Carers Bulletin. |
Medium |
Practitioner refresher training to inform of respite / break provision and ensure these are considered when assessments are undertaken. |
1.3 We will: Review options for assistive technology to enable carers to have time away from caring role and increase opportunities for socialising.
Year 1
Priority Year One: |
Year One Actions (January -December 2024) |
Medium |
Utilise existing technology and resources to support carers. |
Year 2
Priority Year Two: |
Year Two Actions (January -December 2025) |
High |
Review options for assistive technology to enable carers to have time away from their caring role, including understanding of best practice and the offer of / methods of commissioning assistive technology by other local authorities. |
High |
Engagement activity with carers as to whether any of the assistive technology options identified are of interest or benefit, and gauge demand. |
High |
Explore approach to and commence commissioning of assistive technology, dependent on outcome of engagement and market research. |
High |
Work with carers to ensure confidence in use of technology (training, information, access to equipment etc). |
Related data / engagement source (ASCOF, Survey of Adult Carers in England, Let's Talk Carers Survey, National Carers Action Plan)
- ASCOF indicator: 1C2B, Proportion of carers receiving direct payments for support direct to carer
- ASCOF indicator 1D: Carer-reported quality of life
- ASCOF indicator: 1I2, Proportion of carers who reported that they had as much social contact as they would like
- ASCOF indicator: 3B, Overall satisfaction of carers with social services
- Survey of Adult Carers: Percentage of carers who feel they never have enough time to carry out their carer responsibilities
- Survey of Adult Carers: Percentage of carers who feel they have no control over their daily life
- National Action Plan: Services and systems that work for carers
- Local 'Let's Talk' Survey: Lack of consistent or suitable breaks
- National Action Plan: Recognising and supporting carers in the wider community
- National Action Plan: Building research and evidence to improve outcomes for carers