Priority 3: Maximise the reach of carers assessments to benefit more carers.
Carer Outcome: I am aware of my right to a carer's assessment, have access to a choice of a joint or separate assessment, and that this leads to a meaningful outcome(s) to support my caring role.
3.1 We will: Improve carers' awareness of carers' assessments, the benefits of an assessment, and its intended outcomes to ensure carers have access to all support options available.
Year 1
Priority Year One: |
Year One Actions (January -December 2024) |
Medium |
Review and refresh Coventry City Council information on carers assessments available on both the Council and Carers Trust website to include what this is, the benefit of having an assessment and how to access (e.g. online assessment, Carers Trust, joint assessment etc.). |
Medium |
Commence re-commissioning activity for delegated carers' assessments. |
Medium |
Increase the number of carers assessments completed. |
Medium |
Complete carers assessment refresher training for practitioners. |
Medium |
Promotion of carers assessments via Carers Bulletin, Carers Trust, partner organisations, Adult Social Care Open Days and in particular with under-served communities. |
Medium |
Carers Trust to have a visible presence, promoting carers support and assessments in areas of high carer population in the city (GPs, pharmacies, food banks, libraries, community assets). |
Year 2
Priority Year Two: |
Year Two Actions (January -December 2025) |
Medium |
Work with advocacy organisations to affirm an advocacy offer for carers and raise awareness. |
3.2 We will: Improve access to carers assessments, including clear referral routes and pathways by other organisations, to reduce barriers in accessing support.
Year 1
Priority Year One: |
Year One Actions (January -December 2024) |
Medium |
Develop process map for referral routes to assessment and for carers assessment process (for use by individuals and professionals). |
Medium |
Work with Integrated Care Board / health professionals and Adult Social Care practitioners to ensure carers are involved in decisions and kept informed through hospital admissions and discharge. |
Year 2
Priority Year Two: |
Year Two Actions (January -December 2025) |
Medium |
Understand any barriers to referrals from GP / healthcare professionals and review potential to streamline referral process, if required. |
Medium |
Inform providers of adult social care of how to identify and support carers, and how to refer for assessment |
3.3 We will: Ensure carers' assessments lead to positive, meaningful outcomes for carers
Year 1
Priority Year One: |
Year One Actions (January -December 2024) |
Medium |
Outcomes of carers assessments are tracked on a quarterly basis to ensure assessments are resulting in meaningful actions and support for carers. |
Medium |
Ensure practitioners are equipped and aware of support options for carers. |
Medium |
Quarterly dip sampling of carers assessments for quality assurance purposes. |
Year 2
Priority Year Two: |
Year Two Actions (January -December 2025) |
Medium |
Review potential for a carer / expert by experience led audit process to ensure assessments are resulting in better outcomes for carers. |
Related data / engagement source (ASCOF, Survey of Adult Carers in England, Let's Talk Carers Survey, National Carers Action Plan)
- ASCOF indicator: 1C1B, proportion of carers receiving self-directed support.
- ASCOF indicator: 1C2B, Proportion of carers receiving direct payments for support direct to carer.
- ASCOF indicator 1D: Carer-reported quality of life.
- ASCOF indicator: 3B, Overall satisfaction of carers with social services.
- ASCOF indicator: 3C, Proportion of carers who report that they have been included or consulted in discussion about the person they care for.
- Local 'Let's Talk' Survey: Poorer experiences of social care and healthcare provision, particularly hospital discharge and access to Primary Care. This included confusion on roles and responsibilities of each organisation.
- National Action Plan: Services and systems that work for carers.