Priority 2: Deliver the right support, at the right time, and in the right place.

Carer Outcome: I have flexible support options at the right time and right place to support me as a carer to maintain my health and wellbeing

2.1:  We will: Improve information and resources available to carers to help them make informed decisions to support them in their caring role and their own wellbeing.

Year 1

Priority Year One:  Year One Actions (January -December 2024)

Coventry City Council to work in conjunction with Carers Trust and third sector organisations to update Council website to centralise information and identify support options available for carers - information to be easy to navigate, clear, and specific to audience (e.g. adapted for young carers, translated and culturally sensitive).

Medium Coventry City Council and Carers Trust to work with communities, specifically under-served communities, and community leaders to promote information and advice services into communities and everyday messaging to reach hidden carers and reduce barriers to identifying as a carer or accessing support.
Medium Work with GPs, pharmacists and health professionals to raise awareness of how to identify and support carers, knowledge of carers support services and referral mechanisms to Carers Trust and other support services.
Medium Work with schools and colleges to identify young carers and promote young carers support options, advice and assessments.
Medium Increased visibility and presence of Carers Trust and carers support / information services in communities e.g. GP's, pharmacy, food hubs, libraries, community centres, gyms, supermarkets, ASC open days etc. 
Medium Work with the Integrated Care Board on Compassionate Communities project to improve carers' experience across the health and social care system.

Year 2

Priority Year Two: Year Two Actions (January -December 2025)
Medium Coventry City Council to work with Carers Trust to develop a carer mental health and resilience toolkit.
Medium Coventry City Council to work with Carers Trust to develop carer self support pack.
Medium Improve awareness and uptake of carers' direct payments through clear information sharing and promotion at assessment, open days and literature.
Medium Increase use of social media promotion and information sharing to target different age groups, as appropriate, including use of promotion by prominent local public figures and campaigns.

2.2 We will: Ensure carers have access to practical support by way of peer support groups, telephone or face to face support and community networks to increase opportunities for socialising and reduce the risk of isolation.

Year 1

Priority Year One:  Year One Actions (January -December 2024)
Medium Promote training and understand gaps in training needs through consultation with young and adult carers   e.g. condition-specific training such as dementia, autism, mental health, resilience, bereavement
Medium Develop a range of meaningful support groups available to carers, including activity-based sessions, informal sessions and friendship-building.

Year 2

Priority Year Two: Year Two Actions (January -December 2025)
Medium In person / online 'induction style' training to assist carers in caring role (informed from yr. 1 engagement).
Medium Develop a carers resource guide for professionals to summarise support options available.

2.3 We will: Provide additional support in respect of the cost of living, benefits advice and getting back into work or education, to support carers with managing finances.

Year 1

Priority Year One:  Year One Actions (January -December 2024)
Medium Coventry City Council to engage with all unpaid carers identified via the Low Income Family Tracker (LIFT) to inform of available support services, carers assessments, benefits entitlement, respite and break options and support available via the Carers Trust.
Medium Ensuring carers are aware of their legal rights through clear communications, a strong community presence and working with local businesses and employers.

Year 2

Priority Year Two: Year Two Actions (January -December 2025)
Medium Create a cost of living support pack in conjunction with third sector organisations.
Medium Work with third sector organisations to support people into voluntary or paid work.

2.4 We will: ensure a range of support is available to promote carers' overall wellbeing and safety.

Year 1

Priority Year One:  Year One Actions (January -December 2024)
High Re-commission a range of carers' support services co-designed with carers
High Work towards a Go CV+ discount for carers (including young carers) to allow a flexible membership to be utilised when time is available.
High Engage with carers, carers support organisations, housing, community safety team and the police to understand reasons why carers do not feel 'safe' and potential actions we can take to address and improve this.

Year 2

Priority Year Two: Year Two Actions (January -December 2025)
Medium Work in partnership with Carers Trust and with local businesses to develop ‘carer friendly offers’ in the city.
Medium Further year two actions dependent on year one engagement.

Related data / engagement source (ASCOF, Survey of Adult Carers in England, Let's Talk Carers Survey, National Carers Action Plan)

  • ASCOF indicator 1D: Carer-reported quality of life
  • ASCOF indicator: 3B, Overall satisfaction of carers with social services
  • ASCOF indicator: 3D2, Proportion of carers who find it easy to find information about services
  • Survey of Adult Carers: Percentage of carers who feel they are neglecting themselves
  • Survey of Adult Carers: Proportion of carers who are 'extremely worried' about their personal safety
  • Survey of Adult Carers: Percentage of carers who have safety concerns
  • Survey of Adult Carers: Percentage of carers who feel they receive no encouragement or support in their caring role
  • Local 'Let's Talk' Survey: Poorer experiences of social care and healthcare provision, particularly hospital discharge and access to Primary Care. This included confusion on roles and responsibilities of health and social organisations.
  • Local 'Let's Talk' Survey: The psychological impact of COVID lockdowns and feelings of abandonment during this time. Caring responsibilities increased or intensified; many carers reported caring until breaking point.
  • Local 'Let's Talk' Survey: Continued anxiety around infection risks from COVID.
  • Local 'Let's Talk' Survey: Economic challenges are a significant concern, with some carers depleting savings and struggling to afford essentials like food and heating.
  • National Action Plan: Employment and financial wellbeing.
  • National Action Plan: Recognising and supporting carers in the wider community.
  • National Action Plan: Supporting young carers.