Summary profiling the responses received

  1. Over 1421 people engaged in the consultation, which involved a mix of in-person engagement at various drop ins, events and focus groups, online meetings, webinars and online surveys. Over 500 written responses were received, with over 1856 comments from individuals and representatives of organisations providing feedback on the Strategy.
  2. The majority of responses were received via the Council’s Let’s Talk online engagement platform.
  3. The profile of respondents did not match that of the population. The profile of responses received to the online survey are as follows:
    • Gender
      • 48.9 % of respondents describe themselves as ‘male’
      • 41.9% of respondents describe themselves as ‘female’
      • 1.4% of respondents describe themselves ‘In another way’
      • 87.5% of respondents are the same gender they were assigned at birth
      • 2.7% of respondents are a different gender to what they were assigned at birth
      • 67.9% of respondents are heterosexual/straight
    • Age

      • The majority of the respondents (58.6% of the total number that took part) in this survey are aged between 35-64 years. This is considerably larger than the 2021 Census figure of 36% of the Coventry population aged between 35-64 years old
      • Only 4.5% of respondents were aged 24 and under, this is considerably lower than the Census figure of 15% of the population aged between 16-24 years old
    • Ethnicity & Religious Faith

      • The majority of the respondents at 71.4% are ‘White British’
      • Christians made up 33.1% of respondents
      • 32.5% were of no faith
    • Disability

      • 11.6% of respondents consider themselves as ‘disabled’
      • Of those who consider themselves ‘disabled’, the majority of those listed their impairment as ‘Long-standing illness or Health condition’ (45%) and ‘Mental health condition’ (35%)
      • 2.9% of the respondents classed themselves as a ‘care-leaver’
    • Marital Status and children

      • The majority at 46.3% of respondents are ‘married’
      • The majority at 98.2% had not had a baby in the past 6 months or were currently breastfeeding
  4. Geographical representation by ward.

    As can be seen from the table below (Table 2), a good coverage of all Coventry areas has been captured within the online survey.

    • The areas with the highest responses were Earlsdon (9%), Binley & Willenhall (8%) and Wyken (7%)
    • The areas with the least responses were Upper Stoke (2%) and Foleshill (3%)
  5. Overall the demographics of the responses received related to the main survey show there is more engagement work to do to reach key parts of the population, particularly in relation to low response rates from younger people and ethnic diverse communities.

Table 2. Responses to survey broken down into wards. 

Ward  Number of Responses
Earlsdon 33
Binley and Willenhall 29
Wyken 27
Whoberley 24
Lower Stoke 24
Bablake 24
Sherbourne 23
Cheylesmore 21
Radford  19
Woodlands  18
Westwood 14
Henley 13
Holbrook 13
Longford  13
Wainbody 13
St Michael's 12
Foleshill 10
Upper Stoke 7
I don't know  28
I don't live in Coventry 7