Binley cycleway

A picture of children cycling along the Binley cycleway

Binley Cycleway currently links Gosford Green on the edge of the city centre, close to Coventry University, to Binley Business Park. When fully complete, it will connect the city centre to University Hospital in Walsgrave. The section between Hospital and Tesco in Clifford Park is also complete. 

The Clifford Bridge Road section of the Binley Cycleway forms the final section of the route connecting the city centre, Binley and the University Hospital. We have been working on the design details and are now getting ready to start constructing the cycleway in 2025. More information can be found on the construction of the Clifford Bridge Road section project page.

Here you can see the latest information on the construction of the scheme, including work happening now and the next phase of work.

Update 11 March 2025

Following the conclusion of the legal challenge, we are now able to start work. This means that our contractor will be on site to remove the trees soon. An ecologist will inspect the trees for nesting birds before removal takes place.

Construction of the cycleway will start later in the year; we will keep this page updated.

9 December update

Approval for the cycleway was granted at the City Service Cabinet Member meeting following four rounds of local engagement to help develop the proposals. The decision was made based on consideration of responses, representations and objections to the Tree Felling Notices, Notice of Proposal and Notices of Intent, and the petitioner's concerns relating to the proposed cycleway and tree felling.

August update

The Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) and Tree Felling Notices required for the work are now live and show the design principles for the schemes you can comment on these.

The TROs have been advertised for:

  • cycle track designation
  • raised features at junctions – including pedestrian and cyclist crossing points
  • controlled crossings – pelicans and toucan crossings
  • double yellow lines
  • speed limit reduction (30mph)

As a reminder, the Clifford Bridge Road scheme includes:

  • realigning the kerb lines of the road to retain road width whilst fitting in the main elements of pavement, parking and cycleway., However, we will realign it along most of the length, using some of the wide lay-bys to ensure we can fit in all the main elements – pavement, parking and cycleway
  • the number of parking spaces will be increased from the original plan, with some small changes to where they are located along the road.
  • the cycleway and pavement will be separated by a kerb for most of the route, apart from two short sections - at the pedestrian bridge over the River Sowe and around a large Norway Maple Tree and bus stop close to house numbers 39-43
  • parking bays will be differentiated from the road by mountable kerbs
  • additional uncontrolled pedestrian crossings - including one by the roundabout and one by Coombe Park Road
  • visibility from all junctions and driveways will be as now or improved. We will make improvements where we can by moving kerbs or by introducing parking restrictions in close proximity to junctions
  • we will add some new trees and sustainable urban drainage which will include a range of low growing plants
  • we will remove a total of 26 trees. But we will plant 32 new trees. The new tree species are a good mix of species well suited to an urban environment. These will be planted with a special root protection system which will help them to thrive in the conditions. Notices will be placed on each of the 26 trees to be removed
  • we will keep two lanes on the approach to the roundabout

The scheme has been funded through the government’s Transforming Cities Fund and Active Travel Fund.  This money was only available to deliver improved sustainable travel or active travel projects.

If you have any questions, please contact Hakan Bikim.

Places along the route 

  • City centre
  • Coventry University
  • Fargo
  • Gosford Green
  • Stoke Green
  • Stoke Park
  • Empress Buildings Shopping Arcade
  • Iceland
  • Lidl
  • Binley Business Park
  • Tesco
  • University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire

We have put together a cycle tour map, with the help of the Coventry Society, to help you explore the heritage and history that can be found on or near Binley cycleway.  Take a look and see what surprises you might find!

Cycle Coventry

Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097