Future cycleway schemes

On 12 March 2024, the Council's Cabinet approved the 2024-25 Highways Capital Programme, which includes delivery or development of a number of cycleway schemes.

Foleshill cycleway - part of Foleshill Transport Package

  • Construction of improvements to Blue Ribbon roundabout will take place in 2024.  This will improve traffic flow, and provide better and safer pedestrian and cycle routes through the junction. 
  • Consultation has recently taken place on proposals for a cycleway along Foleshill Road, and feedback from this is currently being reviewed. The proposals will be reviewed and refined, with further consultation likely. The Foleshill area is in one of the most deprived parts of the city and is subject to significant public health inequalities, poor air quality, high traffic volumes and very low rates of walking and cycling, so the Foleshill Transport Package is aimed at tackling these issues by encouraging active travel and reducing the volume and speed of traffic.

London Road cycleway - part of Coventry South Transport Package

  • Construction work is nearly complete at the junction of Abbey Road and London Road, to provide a new set of traffic lights with pedestrian and cycle crossings.  This scheme will facilitate new development, but also form part of the wider Coventry South Transport Package.
  • Scheme development continues on the segregated cycle route along London Road, which will be consulted upon during 2024. Proposals to improve the pedestrian and cycle crossings at the Asda Roundabout are also being brought forward and will be consulted on during 2024/25.

Coundon cycleway - extension to Keresley

  • As part of the housing development in Keresley, funding has been secured to extend Coundon Cycleway to the new residential communities, via Coundon Park.
  • This project is funded by the Government's Active Travel Fund.

Eastern Green cycleway

  • To improve connectivity to the new housing in Eastern Green, we are developing a scheme for a cycleway along the Holyhead Road corridor between the city centre and Eastern Green.

As these projects develop, further information will be posted to this page.

Cycle Coventry

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street