Binley Cycleway – Clifford Bridge Road section

Following the decision to approve the construction of the Clifford Bridge Road section of the Binley cycleway by the Cabinet Member for City Services, taken at a meeting on 9 December 2024, and the Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee acceptance of the decision on 21 January 2025, we are now preparing to commence work with the removal of 26 trees.

As you know the trees need to be removed for the construction of the cycleway and will be replaced with new semi-mature trees along the road in accordance with the agreed landscaping design.

We intend to start the removal of the trees from 24 February. To carry out this work safely we will need to close one lane of the road. Traffic will be able to travel in both directions and will be managed using two-way traffic lights. We will fence around the trees for public safety and access to properties will be maintained during the works. The team on site will do all they can to keep disruption to a minimum.

The work is expected to take approximately five days with early morning starts around 7am and traffic management removed for 4pm.

The new trees will be installed once the cycleway project is completed using StrataCell system tree pits. This provides the new trees with the best conditions to live and flourish:

  • they can hold larger and heavier trees and can support more pedestrian and vehicle traffic than other systems
  • more of the tree pit is used for soil, meaning better tree root growth
  • the open structure provides a larger growth zone for delicate root systems and for managing storm water
  • the tree pits are recycled - made from 100% post-industrial waste material

Alongside this, the very detailed design work is continuing, and a Stage 2 Road Safety Audit will be carried out by an independent and external auditor before any construction work starts. Once complete, the results will be available online. The results of the audit won’t mean that the scheme won’t take place, but that some tweaks might be needed to the design.

Coventry is aiming to create a network of segregated cycleways to encourage more people to make some of their journeys by bike. There are a range of benefits, including:

  • increased cyclist usage - the Binley Cycleway has seen a 125% increase in cyclists since its implementation, with daily averages ranging from 175 to 401 cyclists on completed sections. While the current Clifford Bridge Road section sees an average of 54 cyclists daily, projections estimate 204 daily users after construction – this figure was calculated using a Department for Transport model
  • improved safety - collisions involving personal injury have decreased on completed sections of the Binley Cycleway
  • encourages cycling - the project aims to create a safe and attractive cycling environment, encouraging more people to choose cycling for local journeys
  • part of a wider network - the Binley cycleway is a priority route within the West Midlands Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan and is crucial for a continuous, beneficial cycle network. Completing the Clifford Bridge Road section is essential to realise the full potential of the project.

If you have any questions, please contact Hakan Bikim

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