Information to be supplied for the registration of a death
The registrar will need:
- Date and place of death
- Name and surname of the deceased
- Maiden surname, if the deceased was a woman who had married
- Date and place of birth
- Occupation
- Name and occupation of spouse/civil partner, where the deceased was married or had a civil partnership.
- Usual address
- Whether the deceased was in receipt of a pension or allowance from public funds
- If the deceased was married or had a civil partner, the date of birth of the surviving widow, widower or civil partner.
It is most important that the information recorded in the death register is correct. If any mistake is made, for example in the spelling of a name or surname or in the description of the occupation, it may cause problems with the funeral arrangements and when dealing with the estate.
Correction applications can be made after the registration but this will incur a consideration fee and could cause delays. The person registering the death should check the information in the register very carefully before the entry is signed. Please see the 'Changes to a death certificate' page for more information.
If English is not the first language of the relative or other person registering the death and help is needed, we would strongly advise that someone else attends with the person registering to act as an interpreter at the appointment. Please note that the interpreter cannot register on their behalf or sign the register page.
When you register the death with the Registrar, the registrar will provide you with information on how you can let other government organisations know about the death, so that you do not have to repeat information.
Register office
Telephone: Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm. Building opening times: 9.00am - 4.30pm Mondays and Wednesdays, 10.00am - 4.30pm Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9.00am - 4.00pm Fridays.
Address: Cheylesmore Manor HouseManor House Drive