Our Coventry Adult Social Care Offer
Adult Social Care supports people aged 18 and over who have care and support needs as a result of a disability or an illness. Support is also provided to carers who spend time providing necessary care to someone else. We continue to work in accordance with our primary legislation, the Care Act (2014) and the required changes to practice and policy set out by the Act.
In 2021/22 we produced a ‘Coventry Adult Social Care Offer’ which is a clear statement explaining our vision and objectives, aligned to the Council’s One Coventry Plan 2022-2030 ambitions.
It has been developed as a way of setting out how we do things in Coventry including a description of what people can expect when they contact us, how they can participate in our work and useful links to information and advice.
The delivery of Adult Social Care in Coventry focuses on approaches that promote well-being and independence to prevent, reduce or delay the need for long term support and to enable people to achieve their outcomes. In performance terms this means that we would expect to see a relatively smaller number of people in receipt of ongoing social care, and where ongoing social care is required that this is mainly provided in people’s own homes. We would also expect that the short term services we have in place to enable people to be independent are successful in reducing demand for ongoing Adult Social Care.