How does Adult Social Care work in Coventry?

A referral comes to Adult Social Care by phone 024 7683 3003, by Professional/Carer referral on an online referral, or by an online self-assessment. 

The referral then goes to Adult Social Care Direct - Customer services will take any initial information regarding a referral, such as contact details, key information, and the reason for the referral. They may be able to provide signposting advice and information advice at this stage.

The referral can be signposted to the Initial Contact and Duty Teams. The initial contact team gather more information about new referrals and the duty team support any incoming queries through Adult Social Care, for people that are in receipt of support.

A person can then receive Short Term Support or Long Term Support

Short Term:

  • Local Integrated Teams - Integrated teams with three geographical bases across the city working with older people and people with physical disabilities to develop their independence and daily living skills and develop a greater understanding of long term/ongoing care and support needs.
  • Promoting Independence – Learning Disabilities - A multi-disciplinary team that works with adults with learning disabilities and autism to promote independence. The team provide support such as travel training, occupational therapy and support to use assistive technology.
  • Community Discharge Team - Based at University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire, supporting people to be discharged. The team works across the 7 day week and with extended hours.
  • Occupational Therapy and Equipment Services - Providing a range of advice and support about equipment, adaptations and solutions to make every day tasks easier for you, this includes telecare equipment such as personal trigger alarms, movement detectors or medication dispensers as required.

Long Term:

  • Mental Health - Working with health colleagues at Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust as part of a S75 Agreement to support adults with mental ill health. The supports the Crisis Care pathways and community based services.
  • Older People’s Assessment and Case Management Team - Work with adults over 65, they will explore the provision of support such as home support, day opportunities, supported housing, respite, residential care.
  • All Age Disabilities Team - Support adults turning 18 (or over). They will explore the provision of support such as home support, day opportunities, supported housing, respite, residential care.