Our key achievements
The previous section contained a volume of data and comparisons across a number of areas of performance. To summarise this as succinctly as possible would be to say that Coventry continues to support a relatively low number of people with ongoing care and support needs and as a result is a comparatively low spender on Adult Social Care.
This position has largely been arrived at by our approach to Adult Social Care and Support which is based on supporting people to be as independent as possible. Where independence has been lost or reduced, we work with people to regain skills and where levels of independence have been limited, we work with people to improve this. Our goal is for people to be living independently within their own homes. This is not always achievable and in many cases living independently is only possible with support.
The examples in this report give a flavour of how we have delivered this approach, our commitments in our Adult Social Care Offer and priorities within the One Coventry Plan 2022-2030.
The report this year is framed around the CQC Themes and Quality Statements and we have used real examples with the consent of those involved.