Part 1 - Where are we now?
1.0 Introduction
1.1 What sort of management plan?
Coombe Abbey Park is designated as an historic landscape, a Site of Special Scientific Interest, and a Local Wildlife Site. It was acquired by Coventry City Council in 1964 and has been managed since then as a valuable recreational and educational resource for the sub region and beyond. The Coombe estate has seen many changes between the formation of the Cistercian Abbey in the twelfth century to the opening of Coombe Abbey Hotel and improved services for the public in 1993. This management plan will aim to ensure that we learn the lessons of the past and that any future developments will enhance rather than destroy any of the historic and natural features that are essential to the character of this beautiful park.
The main reasons for developing this management plan are to:
- Set out a clear vision for Coombe Abbey Park
- Promote consensus through consultation and involvement
- Ensure continuity and capacity
- Prepare for change
- Ensure the site is properly described
- Provide a framework for making decisions
- Set clear standards
- Enable strategic planning
- Set out a clear and achievable action plan
- Establish a framework for monitoring achievement of the action plan
1.2 Structure of management plan
This management plan is based on a structure that has been devised to meet the needs of the Council’s Parks Service, Historic England, Natural England and to meet Green Flag guidelines and is an update to the 2012-2017 Management Plan. The plan includes a statement of Coventry City Council’s current vision for Coombe Abbey Park, along with background information about how the estate has evolved over the last millennium.
1.3 Intended audience
This management plan is first and foremost a working document that will be a reference point to potentially all who have an interest in the management of Coombe Abbey Park such as the Council, Historic England and Natural England.
It has been written to clarify decisions made by Coventry City Council with regards to how the site should be used and how it will be maintained. The plan also contains the background information to provide a development framework at a strategic level with a clear understanding of the diverse range of issues facing the country park both on a day-to-day basis and into the future.
1.4 Period of the plan and stages of review
This management plan has been written to cover a period of 5 years, to March 2028. to support the day-to-day and future management of the site as well as submission for the Green Flag Award.
The plan will remain in circulation and as the foremost guide to decision-making for Coombe Abbey Park until 2028, unless subsequent review of the whole document decides that revision is necessary.
Action plans are continually updated and reviewed annually. The management team will meet to discuss the success and failure of any decisions and work.