2.0 The local context

2.1 The Council

Our Chief Executive is responsible for making sure decisions made by Councillors are carried out and that services are well run. They are supported in this work by two Executive Directors, each responsible for a group of Council services.

These are:

  • People - responsible for a wide range of services including adults’ and children’s social care, education, libraries, and public health.
  • Place - leads the services delivering highways, transportation, waste and street services, planning, inward investment, and regeneration.

This directorate is also leading the Kickstart programme, which has delivered a new Council office building “Friargate” and in addition leading on the development of a new business district for the city centre.

The Council has a Cabinet and Scrutiny system. Each of the 10 Cabinet Members are responsible for one part of the Council’s services.

Cabinet meets monthly and Members hold individual meetings throughout the year. These meetings are held in public. The current council members can be found in Appendix 2.

2.2 The community

With central Coventry only 5km away and Rugby, Hinckley, and the Birmingham conurbation nearby, Coombe is within easy reach of large numbers of people. A previous survey revealed that Coventry residents make up 50% of visitor numbers, Coombe Abbey Park being one of the largest public open spaces locally available. Former surveys have revealed that most visitors came by car. While some visitors come to the estate to enjoy specific facilities such as Coombe Abbey Hotel or the Visitor Centre, many visitors come for passive recreation - e.g., walking, dog walking, family picnics, enjoying the landscape and its history and wildlife.

The park is open dawn until dusk, 365 days a year.

Visitor numbers
Month 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024
April 72,646 59,725 56,093
May 43,738 53,315 59,677
June 54,781 57,725 56,890
July 51,917 64,278 51,872
August 71,779 85,994 86,224
September 45,808 41,085 47,024
October 42,320 46,634 46,307
November 28,214 24,861 25,987
December 25,002 23,872 TBC
January 41,718 35,146 TBC
February 31,171 46,986 TBC
March 47,251 30,573 TBC
Luminate 43,000 52,000 TBC
Year Total 599,346* 622,192* 430,074*

* Does not include annual car park season ticket holders