One Coventry Services Consultation Proposal - Relocation of Holbrooks Library

What is the proposal?

The proposal is to relocate services provided at Holbrooks library (currently located within Holbrooks Community Care Association, Holbrook Lane, Coventry CV6 4DE) to the Coventry Dementia Partnership Hub (formally known as Maymorn Day Centre), Everdon Road, Coventry, CV6 4FB. Bringing services together to deliver them in a more joined-up way.

Which services would be impacted?

This proposal will initially include and impact on:

  • Holbrooks Library Service (and services delivering sessions from this space)
  • Coventry Dementia Partnership Hub services

What would the difference be?

Services currently provided at The Coventry Dementia Partnership Hub (formally known as Maymorn Day Centre) would continue to be provided as they are now. This includes Council and Community and Voluntary sector organisations led activities, information, advice, day services and outreach support to adults with care needs.

Services currently provided from Holbrooks Library would be relocated to the Coventry Dementia Partnership Hub.

It is possible that in moving location there may be opportunities for:

  • an increase in opening hours
  • additional provision of public access computers

Libraries are a statutory service based on the 1964 Public Libraries and Museum Act and this proposal delivers access to a comprehensive and efficient library service.