Managing addiction


This course will enable delegates to have a better understanding of alcohol and the recommended units for individuals.

It will look at the general misuse of drugs using alcohol as the main example.

It will also look at the effect the misuse has on individuals and see the cycle of addiction and offer support and guidance to help the person seek help and to know where to go for that help.

Target Audience

The course is aimed at anyone who wants to better understand the limits and the danger signs of an alcohol addiction and explore possible solutions.


The course is aimed at anyone who wants to know the limits and the danger signs of an alcohol addiction. Delegates will be more aware of the addiction cycle and be better able to identify warning signs and take action to address problem behaviours.


  • Exploring alcohol
  • Looking at substance misuse in relation to alcohol
  • The effect of the misuse
  • Recognising behaviours
  • Cycle of addiction