Increasing the economic prosperity of the city and region metrics
Metric |
Previous |
Current |
Comparators |
Progress |
Target |
Status |
Regional gross domestic product (pound per head) |
£31,578 (2021 provisional) |
£33,117 (2022 provisional) |
West Midlands Region £30,117, (2022 provisional), England £37,8520 (2022 provisional) |
Improved (or target already achieved) |
To increase |
On-target |
City centre footfall (% of 19/20 outturn) |
56.5% (2022/23) |
69.1% |
Leicester City Centre 76.8% (2022/23) |
Improved (or target already achieved) |
To increase |
On-target |
Visitor trips |
11,050,000 (2022) |
N/A |
N/A (No data), England N/A (No data) |
Not available or no updated date |
To increase |
No target set |
Resident employment rate (proxy for new jobs) |
72.1% (Jan-Dec 2022) |
72.2%(Apr 23-Mar 24) |
West Midlands Region 75% (Apr 23- Mar 24), England 75.5% (Apr 23 – Mar 24) |
Similar, unchanged or statistically insignificant |
To increase |
Unemployment (model-based) |
4.9% (Jan-Dec 2022)) |
5.4% (Dec 2023) |
West Midlands Region 4.8 (Dec 2023), England 3.7% (Dec 2023) |
Got worse |
To decrease |
Off-target |
16-17-year-olds not in education, employment, or training (NEET) including not knowns |
3.9% (NEET 2.1%, Not known 1.8%) (2022) |
3.5% (NEET 2.2%, Not Known 1.3%) 2023 |
Statistical Neighbours 6.2% (NEET 3.8%, Not Known 2.4%) 2023), England 5.2'% (NEET 2.8%, Not Known 2.4%) 2023 |
Improved (or target already achieved) |
Below (better than) national average and Statistical Neighbours |
On-target |
Destination of school leavers aged 16+ |
91.6% (2020/21) |
92.1% (2021/22) |
Statistical Neighbours 91.9% (2021/22), England 93.6% (2020/21) |
Improved (or target already achieved) |
Above or equal to national average |
Off-target |
Destination of school leavers aged 18 after reaching the end of 16 to18 study |
78% (2020/21) |
82% (2021/22) |
Statistical neighbours 79.5% (2021/22), England 82.6% (2021/22) |
Improved (or target already achieved) |
Above or equal to national average |
Off-target |
Apprenticeship levy transferred to support non-levy paying firms in Coventry |
£55,642 Transferred 2022/23 Total pledged - £426,485 |
£32,459 Transferred 2023/24 Total pledged - £445,477 |
N/A |
Got worse |
To increase |
Off-target |
Job Shop Customers Going on to Get Jobs |
N/A |
818 (2023/24) |
N/A |
Cannot say, no clear direction of travel |
To increase |
No target set |
Active enterprises (number and rate per 10,000) (proxy for new businesses) |
374 (10,295) (2022) |
369 |
WMCA 397(2023), Warwickshire 542 (2023), England 509 (2023) |
Improved (or target already achieved) |
To increase |
On-target |
Change in Council Tax Base (change from 2009 base) (proxy for number of new houses in the city) |
112.42 (2022/23) |
113.27 |
CIPA 113.11 (2023/24), England 114.64 (2023/24) |
Improved (or target already achieved) |
To increase |
Proportion of neighbourhoods amongst the 10% most deprived in England (measure of deprivation) |
14.4% (28 out195 Coventry LSOA’s) (2019) |
N/A |
WMCA 26.4% (2019), England 10% (2019) |
Not available or no updated data |
Below national average |
No target set |
Investment income secure
£2.9m (2022/23) |
£5.3m (2023/24) |
N/A |
Improved (or target already achieved) |
Above Budget |
On-target |