Improving outcomes and tackling inequalities within our communities
- 77% Adult social care met through short-term reablement (23/24)
- 84 Children in care (rate per 10,000) (2024)
- 1164 Homeless cases prevented and relieved (23/24)
- 76.8 Male life expectancy at birth (2020-22)
- 81.6 Female life expectancy at birth (2010-22)
- 5883 Fly-tips reported in the city (23/24)
- 106.8 Crime rate per 1000 population (23/24)
- 103 First-time entrants to the youth justice system (23/24)
- 2064 people received commissioned support for domestic abuse (23/24)
- 3650 people receiving long-term adult social care support. That is a rate of 1319 per 100,000 (2024)
- 64.5% satisfied with care support (people who use adult social care services 23/24)
- 91.1% attending a good/outstanding primary school