
We want to ensure that all adults with care and support needs, and carers, in Coventry can live as independently, safe, and well as possible and have real choice and control over the care they receive. To do this we work in partnership with care providers and aim to make Coventry an attractive proposition for existing adult social care providers, and to attract new care developments and services to ensure a sustainable and vibrant marketplace.

This Market Position Statement (MPS) provides information on current and anticipated adult social care demand levels, expected quality standards, and commissioning intentions in Coventry, with the aim of ensuring that both existing and new services are of good quality and meet the needs of the city’s residents.

We have developed this MPS based on feedback from residents and population forecasts to form the basis of discussions with current and potential new providers by ensuring we:

  • Provide direction to the local care market. Specifically, how we would like the local market to look in the short, medium, and long term.
  • Outline Coventry’s current and future demography.
  • Outline our current supply and delivery methods.
  • Highlight our successes, challenges, and market gaps, alongside how we plan to rectify these issues and improve our range of provision.
  • Describe our market expectations, including quality of delivery and affordability.
  • Identify upcoming business opportunities and developments and how we will commission and fund services.

In line with our general commissioning approach this document has been further informed by engagement with our provider market, partners, individuals, and carers in receipt of services. The data and projections behind our commissioning intentions are outlined within our Technical Appendices.