Current services for mental health support 

Residential care:

The Council contracts with 12 mental health care homes (129 beds) in Coventry, with one Council ran home and the remainder commissioned via spot contract arrangements. Note, the majority of residential mental health schemes in Coventry are hybrid schemes, offering individual flats and a structured reablement focused programme of support, with the aim of progressing to supported living or community-based support.

Community support:

In Coventry there are a range of services supporting people with mild, moderate, and severe mental health conditions, and those needing some extra support at certain points in their lives. This includes internally run services using a social brokerage approach to connect people with serious mental illness with opportunities to create their own support networks, supporting their recovery by helping them build their lives around what matters to them. The Council, with the ICB, also commission a specialist mental health employment support service providing a structured support programme to assist people with serious mental illness into real, paid employment and support them in their roles. In respect of accommodation-based support, the Council contracts with 10 mental health supported living schemes in the city. There is a specific home support service for individuals who require mental health support and additional preventative support is available through the third sector currently commissioned through the Preventative Support Grant (noted below).