How we work

The Council: Coventry City Council are proud in how we work to provide quality services utilising the budgets and resources available. We are clear in the difference we are looking to make in people’s lives and ensure services are meeting the diverse range of needs within the city. Our strategic plans, specifically our One Coventry Plan 2022-2030, Social Value and Sustainability Policy, and Joint Strategic Needs Assessment outline clearly how we will deliver against our priorities and work holistically across the Council to ensure quality services for the people of Coventry.

Adult Social Care: The Council’s approach to providing Adult Social Care in Coventry is outlined in our Adult Social Care Offer which details our strengths-based, promoting independence practice model. Our annual Local Account also details how we are supporting people in the city.

Our Partners: We work closely with Health colleagues to ensure a seamless delivery of support where people have joint health and social care needs. Our alignment and commitment to close working with the Integrated Health Board is detailed in the Coventry and Warwickshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2023-2026 whilst opportunities for contracting with both organisations jointly are noted within this Market Position Statement.

We consider commissioned providers to be partners and greatly value the work they do daily to improve the lives of people locally. We listen to providers through a range of mechanisms, for example surveys and provider forums, to inform how we work in practice and can better support the market.