What do we want for our colleagues?

We want colleagues to be productive, enjoy what they do, support their health and wellbeing, recognise the contribution they make, and feel valued.

It's important that the Council is a place colleagues want to come to work and would recommend to others because they have a great work experience.

We want to be that employer who is fair, inclusive, encourages development, progression and autonomy, all of which are in line with our organisational values.

Our commitments to and our expectations of our colleagues

The organisation is committed to our people and firmly believes that working together will enable us to deliver the best for the people of Coventry. To do this, we are committed to providing clarity, learning and development opportunities and regular feedback.

Our colleagues:

  • New starters will be clear on what their role is and how they contribute to Council objectives
  • Every colleague will be appraised annually, receive feedback on performance along with objectives every year
  • A healthy and safe workforce
  • A commitment to diversity and inclusion which underpins all that we do
  • Will live our behaviours and values

Our teams:

  • Mandatory training will be completed, and opportunities for development will be available
    Manager induction on joining or being promoted to ensure effective people management
  • A range of opportunities for management and leadership development
  • Access to relevant guidance and support on policies and procedures
  • Promote health and wellbeing

Together we will:

  • Provide quality services for the residents of Coventry
  • Have a ‘One Coventry’ ethos
  • Be a ‘good’ employer
    Be open and transparent
  • Support each other to be healthy and well
  • Actively work in partnership
    Be engaged and inclusive
  • Live and behave in line with our organisational values