Commitment - Agile and flexible workforce

Our aim is to introduce

Area Outcome – what will this achieve? Who will help us to achieve this? How will we measure our success? Timescale
Job families which will group jobs with common features, with each job family containing a number of levels, each reflecting different job outputs, skills, knowledge, and experience Provide greater clarity of career and the pay structure
  • Trade Union Colleagues
  • Managers/Employees
All roles being identified and
confirmed within a job family.
April 2024

Our aim is to sustain

Area Outcome – what will this achieve? Who will help us to achieve this? How will we measure our success? Timescale
Agile and flexible working To continue to build on being an agile
and flexible workforce. Working in an
agile way will become the “norm".
  • Managers
  • Communications Team
  • Trade Union Colleagues
Continued review of our policy / procedure and toolkit – feedback and benchmarking Ongoing